
12 Days of christmas #ecoedition

Find out how to be more eco conscious this festive season


day 1: christmas lights

Get the Christmas sparkle without burning a hole in your pocket, or the planet.

Quiz Question: Who is credited with being the inventor of the first strand of Christmas lights in 1882?

Find out when you ‘Learn More’

Day 2: christmas trees

Spruce up your Christmas with knowledge! Unsure about whether to go for a real tree vs a plastic tree? What about other options such as renting a Christmas tree?

Quiz Question: In 1848 Queen Victoria and Prince Albert did what which involved a Christmas tree?

Find out when you ‘Learn More’


DAY 3: Gifts

Traditionally symbol of the gifts from the three wise men, did you know one in ten people deliberately buy a gift for someone else that they know they won’t like? Find out tips to make gift giving a true pleasure again.

Quiz Question: What tops the list of the most unwanted gift?

Find out when you ‘Learn More’


Day 4: Wrap It Up

Whether you plan months in advance or are more of a last minute wrapper, find out some interesting facts about most of the paper on sale.

Quiz Question: How many times would the wrapping paper thrown out in the UK go round the world?

Find out when you ‘Learn More’


Day 5: decorations

Curious to know how long decorations have been around? What about eco friendly options?

Quiz Question: What are the top 2 most popular Christmas decorations?

Find out when you ‘Learn More’


Day 6: cards

Sending a card has been part of Christmas for centuries. But what are the impacts and eco friendly options available?

Quiz Question: What were postmen in Victorian England called?


Day 7: Crackers

Christmas Crackers have been a part of the British tradition since Victorian times. They are used once and then thrown…but do they have to be?

Quiz Question: What city did Tom Smith create the Christmas cracker in?


Day 8: Jumpers

Scandinavian heritage but rocketed to our screens with Bridget Jones’ Diary, there is a darker side to jumpers…as well as a very good reason to don your jumper in December.

Quiz Question: What charity does Christmas Jumper Day raise money for?

Find out when you ‘Learn More’


Day 9: Stockings

Stockings have been around for centuries. But do you know the legend behind how they came about?

Quiz Question: The Children’s Society produced the largest Christmas stocking made in December 2007. How many presents did it hold?

Find out when you ‘Learn More’


Day 10: Food, leftovers and composting

Sprouts, turkey, cranberry and bread sauce, piles of potatoes and nowadays, a nut roast. But how much is too much and what to do with all those leftovers.

Quiz Question: What is technically illegal to eat on Christmas Day?

Find out when you ‘Learn More’


Day 11: Recycling

We’ve had a lot to eat and drink. Presents are opened and the house needs a bit of a tidy up before we kick back and relax. But what can we recycle and how?

Quiz Question: How many bottles of sparkling wine are popped during the festive season?

Find out when you ‘Learn More’


Day 12: Christmas kindness

Tis the season to think of others. So help out with donations to local Food Banks or Homeless Shelters.

Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings and Happy New Year!